AIER made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into a Modern Slavery Act for Australia.

The submission focuses on regulating corporations in relation to their supply chains.Globalisation has ensured that many, if not most, of the products we use or consume have made their way to us through a global supply chain. Clothing and textiles, food, all types manufactured goods, technologies, and wood products amongst others are all likely to have been wholly or partly sourced through global supply chains.

Where governments promote globalisation, it comes with a responsibility to protect the people likely to be harmed by the economic forces unleashed. While the complexity and length of supply chains is a challenge for developing effective regulations, it cannot be an excuse for inaction.

AIER has recommended that Australia does implement a robust Modern Slavery Act that includes a requirements for companies captured by the law to develop a due diligence plan, penalties for non-compliance and the ability of those harmed by companies not exercising due diligence to take action.

Download AIER submission to Modern Slavery Act Inquiry