by Lisa Heap | Jun 1, 2006 | General
In an address to the International Labour Organization (ILO), the President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), Sharan Burrows, presents a compelling paper on the effects of the WorkChoices...
by Lisa Heap | Jun 1, 2006 | Submissions
The Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) this week presented a submission to the Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee urging them to review the proposed Independent Contractors Bill legislation in the belief that the...
by Lisa Heap | Apr 1, 2006 | General
What is the most appropriate system to provide statutory recognition and protection of collective bargaining rights in the Australian context? This research report by the Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) provides an overview of systems of collective...
by Lisa Heap | Feb 1, 2006 | General
Keith Ewing, a founder of the UK Institute of Employment Rights, believes that advocacy to improve employment rights is an ongoing necessity in both Britain and Australia. Welcoming the formation of the Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) he said that...
by Lisa Heap | Dec 1, 2005 | General
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke launched the Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) to a 200-strong audience from legal, academic and industrial relations circles in Melbourne on Wednesday evening. Monash’s City Law Chambers were packed to hear...