About the AIER
Adopting the principles of the International Labour Organisation and its commitment to tripartite processes, the Australian Institute of Employment Rights (AIER) works to promote the recognition and implementation of employment rights in a cooperative industrial relations framework.
Latest News

AIER Submission re: Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022
AIER Submission re: Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022

The Way Forward and #WageSubsidyForAll
COVID-19 has cast a spotlight on a system of labour law failing to recognise the humanity of workers and provide dignified work capable of supporting a reasonable standard of life. Casual and non-standard forms of engagement have become common place stripping millions of workers of basic rights and entitlements. read more here
Workers Rights (in a time of) Crisis
As workers across Australia and the world settle into another day of forced stand-downs, remote working and Netflix, a spotlight has been cast on the just how many of us exist on the brink of destitution. The shift from standard forms of employment and the dilution of free association under Australian labour law have left increasing numbers of Australian workers with no right to ongoing employment, no access to leave entitlements and no effective voice at work.read more here
In Print

International Unions Rights Journal
Our Executive Director, Renee Burns has contributed to an ILO Centenary Issue of International Union Rights produced by the London based ICTUR. The piece examines the extent to which Australia complies with its international labour and human rights obligations and the domestically felt consequences of non-compliance, including increasing worker precarity and stagnate wage growth.
Access the full text here Australia.free to associate
A New Workplace Relations Architecture
Australia’s current workplace relations system and related laws are failing to provide a fair go for people who work and those seeking work. The AIER is embarking on an ambitious project to develop a new workplace relations architecture. This is a bold project to that will look to reconfigure industrial relations, human rights and health and safety laws and regulations. As a society we are facing significant economic and social challenges, including profound and rapid changes in the way work is organised and conducted. At the AIER we believe the situation cannot be rectified by tinkering around the edges with minor reform. We have released our project plan and welcome input and comment.
Watch the 9th Annual Ron McCallum Debate
Representation and voice in the new world of work
Moderated by the Hon Geoff Giudice AO, with reflections from Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO, the panel discussion featured:
- Natalie James, Partner, Deloitte and former Fair Work Ombudsman;
- Professor Rae Cooper AO, The University of Sydney;
- Michael Kaine, National Secretary, Transport Workers Union; and
- Sue Bussell AM, Partner, Workplace Relations Advisory, KPMG.
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